This Canadian power metal quartet have some pedigree already, and this ball breaking eponymous album one that power metal fans love.
Guitarist Bulldog Bess Ross acted as guitar tech for Tony Iommi on Sabbath’s Never Say Die tour, and has since played with Anvil, Brawl and Travelin War. With vocalist Maxel Black, they produce a very full on sonic assault. Think Anthrax with heavier production.
Some of the guitar work is pretty good, the interplay with the bass working well, but on other occasions it goes nowhere.
The excellent title track kicks things off, but by track 4 (no track listing in the 18 page press release) there’s come clearly Iommi riffs coming in.
***** Out of this world | **** Pretty
damn fine |
*** OK, approach with caution unless you are a fan |
** Instant bargain bin fodder | * Ugly. Just ugly