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Teddy Geiger's debut CD 'Underage Thinking' was released in the States on March 21. The singer songwriter has already been featured on Billboard's cover 'Who's Hot in 2006'

1. What are you currently up to?

Right now I'm getting ready for my album to come out then after that I'm out on tour. We're doing a bunch of small clubs around the country. I'm really looking forward to it I've played some of my favorite shows recently.

2. What inspires you to write and who are your biggest influences?

A lot of things inspire me write. My most inspired moments are probably lying in bed at night just letting my mind wander, thinking, and listening to music. I usually have my favorite thoughts then, but I forget them by the morning.

3. Do you start a number with a finished vision or is it a process of evolution?

I feel like they kinda hangout in my head and end up coming out later. I'm a big Ben Folds fan, "Whatever and Ever Amen" is my favorite album, a lot of Weezer and whatever was on the 90's alternative radio station.

It really depends on the song a lot of songs will fit together very quick and others will come in bursts over time. A lot of it depends on where I'm at and where the songs at.

Teddy Geiger

4. You were one of the finalists on VH1's In Search of the New Partridge Family. – Acting or music - what’s your priority?

Music is my thing. It has been since I can remember I can't remember a time when I wasn't in to it. Doing Love Monkey and In Search of The Partridge Family was a great outlet for the music and I learned so much throughout the experience. I'm definitely open to acting but music is my main focus.

5. What are you currently listening to and what’s your favourite album?

Favorite album is Whatever and Ever Amen, Ben Folds Five. Lately I've been listening to a lot of The Jackson 5, and that song "Sparks" by Coldplay.

6. Your first album is out soon – what sort of audience do you think it will appeal to?

I'm so excited to see my album come out. In terms of who it will appeal to, hopefully whoever the music clicks with will listen to the music.

7. In a perfect world - rock star or Mum’s and teen idol? What’s your goal?

Haha, my goal is just to keep making music and putting out albums. In the end I just want to make a name making music. So rock star I suppose.

8. What plans do you have for playing live? Any plans to visit the UK?

Mostly within the States but I hope to get overseas ASAP. I've never been and I can't wait to check it out.

9. Highlights and lowlights of your career to date?

Making my first album and the ability to perform on a regular basis are the obvious highs. The low is being away from home so much, but home is where you make it so I guess if I make nowhere home that problem is solved.

10. Is downloading helping or killing music?

It's definitely making it harder for many to make a living off of music. But then again it helps the word spread. Most annoying part of it to me is that the sound quality is terrible, in the end CD's sound so much better.

Interview © 2006 Pete Whalley
Format and edit: The Music Index.

All rights reserved.

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