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Lancashire County Cricket Ground
4 September 2010
With the
crowd growing ever more impatient, around fifty ordinary men and women
walk onto the exact same stage three extraordinary men would stand
minutes later. Holding various signs bearing slogans such as "They will
not force us", the protesters give an obvious clue to what we can expect
to happen next. The protesters move off stage only for Christopher
Wolstenholme to enter stage, closely followed by fellow band mates, Dom
and Matt. The crowd goes crazy as the blaring intro to "Uprising"
The first
thing you have to notice about Muse other than the sound are the crazy
outfits. The frontman who's dressed in a suit that closely
resembles a disco ball jumps, no wait, almost flies around stage like a
superhero while the bassist looks like he could be Beetlejuice in an
eccentric black and white striped suit.
though, he can still pull this look off in a way that makes the crowd
idolise him and want that suit. Dom, however, looks like he's just
walked out of some cheesy 80's space movie in a shiny silver spandex
jumpsuit that is actually rather disturbing.
You can tell
the thing that is going through every onlookers mind is "What on earth
is that guy wearing this time?!" The thing is, he still looks good. Damn
it, he even manages to look good in a Spiderman suit as some hardcore
Muse fans will know!
The stage is exactly what you'd expect from Saint Matthew and co;
totally alien. Just looking at it makes you feel dizzy as it's
impossible to judge the depth (if you're human that is).
It's a
supermassive diamond structure that carries 51 LED screens and 49
projection panels down it's sides which all contribute to Muse's
outstanding visual effects. The plane that passes above halfway through
the setlist just adds to the effects because in the minds if the
thousands of fans staring up at it, it isn't a boring old aeroplane;
it's the zetas coming to take over the world and Muse are the only ones
that can stop them with the power of their music.
It's obvious that Matt Bellamy is extremely talented but when the
Rachmaninoff-esque piano interlude kicks in halfway through "Butterflies
and Hurricanes" you begin to question whether it is actually possible
for one single human being to be so skilled. It is evident that I'm not
the only one who thought this as the majority of the crowd now has their
jaw glued to the floor; all in some weird, stupefied trance.
The only real downside to this gig (before you yell at me for insulting
Muse just listen!) was the absence of the huge chrome UFO Muse have been
promising to unveil since being unable to pass the strict health and
safety regulations at V in 2008.
It has been
used numerous times around mainland Europe during their gigantic stadium
tour but unfortunately this venue was not built with plans to
accommodate a big, fat UFO. As far as I know, in 1857 they didn't have
any idea that one of the biggest and strangest live bands Britain has
ever produced would be playing there 153 years later; to the dismay of
the Muse fans today.
As Chris and Dom end "MK Jam" perfectly, the intro to "Undisclosed
Desires" kicks in as the band rise up into the air on a, well, flying
saucer of a stage. Matt has now swapped the stunning grand piano which
he used for "United States of Eurasia" and "Feeling Good" for an equally
attractive Manson Keytar as they rise above the crowd and conquer the
world. Ok, so maybe not the world but Muse are more than capable of
flabbergasting an entire stadium of around 55,000 fans. This is the sort
of venue Muse were destined to play from day one.
"Resistance" draws to a close with a dramatic drumbeat from Dom and a
depressing, distorted, whaling sound from Matt's guitar. It sounds like
the sort of music you'd get in a sad scene on telly but Muse actually
convey a true sense of emotion here and the crowd is completely silent
for the first time all night. This silence is soon broken by the upbeat
drum rhythm of "Starlight" and the audience begin to clap
enthusiastically along with the familiar tune.
While watching this space-age, rock, megashow it's hard to believe that
just 3 years ago Muse were new to the realm of stadium tours. Mad Matt
prances around stage making it evident that this is what he was born to
do. He is truly a musical genius.
The lulling falsetto of "Exogenesis: Symphony Part 1 (Overture)' marks
the beginning of the end of what was an amazing night as encore number
one starts. This is contrasted by one of Muse's heavier songs,
"Stockholm Syndrome" which induces some moshing from the fans.
Muse exit
the stage leaving the crowd gobsmacked and screaming for more. Muse
enter for their final encore a good five minutes later, Matt now wearing
a rather flashy suit. Literally. It is covered in tons of LED lights.
After playing Take A Bow on the flying saucer, they come back to earth
for the air raid sirens of "Plug In Baby" and the galloping beat of
"Knights of Cydonia". Muse finally exit stage for good this time with
steam jets covering them and a mass of astounded fans. After this, there
is no doubt Muse are the greatest live band around today.
Review by
Abigail Suter
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