Just witnessed your
best live gig?.. send us a review!
15-17 July 2010
Review and
photos by Mark Taylor

Day 2 16
made the night before proved to be correct. I woke up with an atom
bomb exploding in my head and I was making sure there was not to be any
fallout. Although waking up early enough,Ii was in no fit state to
have decibels of metal plunging through my brain at such an early time.
It was a
glorious sunny morning and there was no way of sleeping it off in my
sweatbox of a tent. Luckilly one of the things we put onto our
shopping list was orange juice which refreshed me a little bit. I
felt a little better after doing the full monty in the open air luke
warm communal shower. Sharing the showers with a group of burly
moustached mullet-ed rockers soon makes you alert.
getting our act together we made our way into the venue via the shuttle
bus at one in the afternoon.
Today is
when the festival starts proper with the opening of the main open air
stage. Unfortunately I missed The New Black, Enforcer and Grand
Magus. (Enforcer did tell me a couple of weeks later that BYH was their
best ever performance.).
walking around the merchandise stalls waiting for my brain to plug in,
Forbidden were giving the faithful some old school thrash but I
did enjoy hearing their dedication to Ronnie James Dio with a definitive
version of 'Children Of The Sea'.
In need of
some food, I found a van that was selling some delicious fried fresh
fish served in a soft bun. My health was on the up. Today
was scorchio with the temperature in the mid-thirties and it didn't take
long to feel the heat burning your forehead. I thought a beer
would cool me down but it only made my stomach rumble at this early
Waiting for
Sabaton to appear on stage it was nice to hear that the only music being
played over the PA this weekend was songs featuring the vocals of Ronnie
James Dio from the works of Rainbow, Black Sabbath and his solo career.

came on with an arsenal of war themed songs. Taking no prisoners
Sabaton were one of the best bands of the weekend. Fellow GRTR!
scribe Jim Rowland was watching the band for the first time and was
mighty impressed.
Joakim Broden was in jovial mood,''When Michael Jackson died, I thought
oh shame, but who cares?, But when Dio died it was the first time in my
life that I felt sad about someone I didn't know.
We were
asked to do a Dio cover, but I cannot sing anywhere as good as him and I
cannot do a Dio song any justice.''
Later on,
and with tongue firmly in cheek Joakim was saying ''I thought we might
do a Village People cover of Y.M.C.A but change the lyrics to H.O.M.O.'',
when Swedes come to Germany, PC correctness doesn't come into the
equation. The Germans happily surrendered to Sabaton.
The beer wasn't working for me after the previous night's intake, and
with the boiling heat I thought it's best if i got myself some water but
then in the words of Einstein, ''Eureka! I found it'', a cocktail bar
selling Caipirinha, the Brazillian national drink that is also popular
in Germany and just happens to be my favourite tipple.
A glass full
of ice cold crushed ice mixed with a squished quartered lime topped up
with the white rum of Cachaca. One sip of the lime hitting my
senses, and I was soon back into humanitarian life. My metal
drinking Companion John Oakley soon joined in and it was happy days.
some thunder from the East were Japanese rockers Loudness.
I was surprised by the high amount of Loudness T-shirts people were
wearing today. New drummer Masayaki Suzuki looked aggressively
like Fu Manchu and there was some neat crisp guitar work from Akira
Takasaki. Playing tracks from their first five albums with 'Crazy
Nights' and 'Let It Go' being highlights.
Time for
a Caipirinha.

Despite the
success of the film, Anvil still haven't employed any roadies and
are out on stage a good ten minutes before their set tuning their art.
Gladly nothing will change in the Anvil camp.
The hard and
heaviness of 'School Love' gets my cranuim crashing. Lips new
golden vibrator comes out for the godzillion 'Mothra'. Lips thanks
everyone for giving him a second chance. The band will keep on pounding
for a long time yet.
Time for
a couple more Caipirinha's.
his new album 'Festival' was heavyweight Jon Oliva Pain. Oliva
sat at the front of the stage on his grand piano with a set full of his
former band Savatage greatest moments.
I was
enjoying a sit down too in the cocktail bar and it was a delight
listening to the majestic power of 'Gutter Ballet' and 'Hall Of The
Mountain King', but it was his dedicated version of Dio's Rainbow In The
Dark which was just sublime.
Miss Pesch
next...hmmm...time to get a quick Caipirinha before we get ourselves
near the front.

didn't really add any surprises to the set to what we've seen in recent
times except for 'Egypt (The Chains Are On), which was a pharaoh wise
choice of a Dio cover. It was odd for us Brits listening to Doro
Pesch speaking in her native tongue but still looks absolutely lovely
and long may she rule the ruins.
...time to cool down with a little Caipiriweeny.
Now the main
reason Jimmy and myself came all the way to Germany was to see the
classic line-up of Krokus who made three classic albums between
1980-82. Finally back together and a new album to boot the Maltese
falcon Marc Storace is rejoined by the Swiss rollers Chris von
Rohr, Fernando von Arb, Freddy Steady and Mark Kohler.

We've both
been massive fans of this band since first seeing them on kids TV
programme Tiswas back in 82.We both agreed a long time ago that if the
classic line up ever reformed then we will have to make a metal
rendezvous somewhere in Europe. Today that dream came true.
The band
were on fire and we loved every minute of the main set with tracks from
those early 80's albums and a few from new return to form album
'Hoodoo'. I could've watched them all night and felt they
should've been headliners.
My only
disappointment was a needless cover of Steppenwolf's 'Born To Be Wild'
which was too drawn out especially when they didn't play 'Bad Boys Rag
Dolls'. However everything else we wanted to hear was played.
The band were explosive and the UK are missing out on this band who once
gave AC/DC a good run for their money.
''Oh ...
go on then just one more Caips before the sun goes down.''

After such
enjoyment Hammerfall couldn't get my juices flowing. Singer
Joacim Cane was clearly getting annoyed with his mic cutting out
throughout the first few songs throwing a tantrum as well as his mic-stand.
service was soon resumed with 'Hallowed Be Thy Name' and 'Last Man
Standing' being crowd pleasers. However I just couldn't warm to
the falseness of Cane who was trying a bit too hard to win new friends
''Hey, you guys have a great national football team, Germany were
unlucky in the World Cup and they should have won it'', ah bog off,
Frank Lampard's header was a mile over and with comments like that i
quickly forgot about the second half of that game and the second half of
Hammerfall's set.
Mr Rowland
and myself decided to retire back to camp to beat the late night cues
for the shuttle bus and to start on the whiskey we had. An hour
later Mr Oakley turned up saying Hammerfall were bloody great,
especially the cover of 'Man On A Silver Mountain' with original
Hammerfall singer Mikael Stanne trading lines with Cane.
The night
was by no means over, as the dodgy whiskey we brought was going down a
treat. After a very hot and sweaty day we were thankful for a bit
of late night rain which soon cooled down my sunburnt skin. As the
shower got heavier we all cramped into Oakley's tent to share stories of
the day way into the early hours.
Krokus set list: Long Sticks Go Boom / American Woman / Rock N' Roll
Handshake / Tokyo Nights / Fire / Burning Bones / Screaming In The Night
/ Easy Rocker / Bedside Radio / Heatstrokes....encores...Hoodoo Woman /
Born To Be Wild / Long Live Rock N' Roll(snippet)
Hammerfall set list : Punish And Enslave / The Dragon Lies Bleeding /
Crimson Thunder / Hallowed Be They Name / Renegade / Last Man Standing /
Blood Bound / Heeding The Call / Rebel Inside / Any Means Necessary /
Stronger Than All / Riders Of The Storm.....encores.. Secrets / Let The
Hammer Fall / Man On A Silver Mountain / Hearts On Fire
and photos by Mark Taylor

Lips from
Anvil with GRTR!'s Mark Taylor and Jim Rowland
Day 1
Day 3
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