THE WISHING TREE Ostara earMusic (2009)
This is the second album from the duo featuring Marillion's guitarist Steve Rothery (who also handles production duties and plays bass and keys) and vocalist Hannah Stobart.
The beauty of this album is that it allows Steve Rothery to fully indulge and showcase his mellow and laid back soloing which can sometimes get buried in the bombast of Marillion's music.
The music sounds similar to Mostly Autumn especially as Hannah Stobart's vocals are very ethereal like Mostly Autumn's Heather Findlay. The guitar on 'Hollow Hills' could easily be latter day Pink Floyd albeit with a female vocalist.
'Easy' takes a folk route and credit to Steve Rothery's production as he allows Hannah's vocals to take centre stage throughout the album as he could have easily upped the guitar quota.
An album that demands the listener's attention and one to help you unwind. Wishing Tree have an appeal that will draw more on fans of Mostly Autumn or Odin Dragonfly than Marillion, although doubtless the band's many fans will be after a copy of this album as well.
Review by Jason Ritchie

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