FISH 13th Star Chocolate Frog (2007)
Caledonian vocalist, wit, actor and (having met him twice) thoroughly decent bloke Fish (oh and did I mention Marillion?) releases his latest set, and it's a bit of a change, but thoroughly enjoyable anyway.
Opener "Circle Line" is about the London Underground, an excellent melody, the programming and drum loops providing an interesting rhythm, a feel that continues on "Square Go". Over the mechanical feel is a some great guitar work, layered keyboards and some real feeling in the vocals.
Personal goings on during the recording (that I won't bore you with here) push emotional buttons, probably to a depth never previously explored by the great man either with Marillion or solo. And with that comes creatively, and it shows, to great effect.
We all know Fish as a performer, song writer, and rocker. A large part of this album is all about the first two, to an extra degree, and because of that it rocks. Quite melancholic and emotional. The rock we know Fish for picks up and is just as good. With 'Return To Childhood' out of the system this is Fish, the past now passed. It's good, it's personal, it's thoroughly enjoyable.
Review by Joe Geesin

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***** Out of this world | **** Pretty
damn fine |
*** OK, approach with caution unless you are a fan |
** Instant bargain bin fodder | * Ugly. Just ugly |