ANIMAL ALPHA You Pay For The Whole Seat, But You'll Never Need The Edge Racing Junior (2008)
The album title reads like a sixties sc-fi tale by the late great cult author Phillip K. Dick...indeed the odd title is a pretty ballsy move considering it's the band's debut UK release. Their first album 'Pheromones' was issued in Norway and reached Number 11 in the national charts.
They've already made a name for themselves in their homeland due to their dramatic and unconventional music but that's what makes them interesting. The band is led by female singer Agnete Kjolsrud who swings from Janis Joplin style whales to more melodic sounds.
The UK version of the album includes 'Bundy' which was a hit single in Norway and used on 'Pheromones.' It's a chest beating song with a memorable bass line. Other stand out songs in this nine track opus includes the mid-paced 'Alarm' which is led a crunchy riff and 'Bored Again' which is certainly not boring.
This Norwegian band have a lot to offer; 'You Pay...' is a bold and exciting album.
Overall I'd say they have a bright future and will make a fan base here in old Blighty.
Review by Neil Daniels
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***** Out of this world | **** Pretty
damn fine |
*** OK, approach with caution unless you are a fan |
** Instant bargain bin fodder | * Ugly. Just ugly |