POPA CHUBBY Deliveries After Dark Dixie Frog DFGCD8635 (2007)
Self evidently larger than life and a popular gut bucket rock blues guitarist, the self proclaimed 'King of N.Y.C. Blues', Popa Chubby continues to pursue his own idiosyncratic recording career. Idiosyncratic, because despite the above adjectives Chubby doesn't easily fit in with the usual expectations. Thus when you go and see a Chubby show you get the full on stage character, the charisma, the fiery playing, and the startling heavyweight figure who somehow glides around the stage in the manner of some of his scintillating guitar runs.
But album wise he is best described as eclectic. And just like on his previous recorded output there's a bit of everything. So although pursuing a style anchored to a crunching rock blues template, as evidenced on 'Let The Music Set You Free' and the uncompromising 'I'll Piss on Your Grave' - with not a shred of irony in sight - Chubby never makes the mistake of putting all his eggs in one stylistic basket.
One of his strongest songs 'Deliveries After Dark' marks a partial return to the imagery of his previous 'Smugglers Blues' on the 'Stealin' the Devils Guitar' album and affords him the opportunity for a good old shred. But there is much more to his catalogue of songs than mere extended rock blues workouts.
Again, as if mirroring some of his pervious efforts, there are a couple of instrumentals, most notably the bluesy '2nd Avenue Shuffle' on which he explores a full range of tone colours on his guitar. He also adds an almost Jim Steinman style rocker 'You Never Loved Me' on which his further explores his impressive chops.
But his OTT image aside, Chubby is really a cuddly folky at heart and it's no surprise to find the almost introspective closing track, the unreconstructed 'Oh Rock And Roll You Heartless Bitch', and the delicate feel of 'You Can't Stop Love', which is all tender restraint and brushed strokes. There's even a dash of funky reggae, with some humorous and libidinous lyrics on 'Woman in My Bed Dub'.
But it's on the core rock blues outings like 'Grown Man Crying Blues' that he comes into his own as he digs deep to conjure up some steely licks.
Chubby is to be applauded for not falling in line with prevalent rock blues clichés and if nothing else 'Deliveries After Dark', although by no means a classic outing, does enough to stamp his personal identity on his material. And the bottom line is, how many other blues rockers can lay claim to that?
Review by Pete Feenstra
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***** Out of this world | **** Pretty
damn fine |
*** OK, approach with caution unless you are a fan |
** Instant bargain bin fodder | * Ugly. Just ugly |
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