Maggie's diamond shines bright in Montreux...
"Life's a journey - you've got to ride it," remarks former Stone The Crows blues rock belter Bell in a revealing bonus interview to this consistently-entertaining 13 song set filmed at Montreux's Jazz Festival on a sweaty summer's eve.
She really is a diamond: great voice, great performer, backed by a band bearing to the stage a collective CV that looks like a 'who's who' of 70s blues rock.
Everyone delivers the goods, notably scene-stealer lead guitarist Ant Glynn, who spars with a good-natured Albert Collins guesting on two of four bonus tracks (the other pair sport another guest on stage in the legendary Taj Mahal).
You really can't go wrong here. It's a no-frills affair that does what it says on the tin. Top notch stuff.
Review by Peter Muir