VARIOUS Always: A Tribute To Bon Jovi NL Distribution (2007)
This is a revised version of the 2005 tribute put out on Versailles Records with a few added tracks and different running order. Now I am a big fan of Bon Jovi and enjoy these tribute albums on the whole, although this one like many others has some gems and some absolute stinkers.
The CD skip button is well advised for a truly awful version of 'Stick To Your Guns' by Jason Andrews, stick to your day job more like(!) whilst Jani Lane's version of 'Lay Your Hands On Me' is pretty feeble as well.
Jasy Andrews takes a new slant on 'I'll Be There For You' with just her vocal and piano, works well. Good chance to hear Lillian Axe's new(ish) vocalist Derrick Leferve on 'Livin' On A Prayer' but it lacks the powerful punch of the original version.
A tribute album wouldn't be complete unless John Corabi (ex-Motley Crue) or Jizzy Pearl (Love/Hate ex-Ratt) appeared and they both pull off their covers with aplomb. Jizzy Pearl in particular suits 'Bad Medicine' very well.
Worth a listen if you're a Bon Jovi fan although approach some songs with caution!
Review by Jason Ritchie
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***** Out of this world | **** Pretty
damn fine |
*** OK, approach with caution unless you are a fan |
** Instant bargain bin fodder | * Ugly. Just ugly |