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Justice For All: The Truth About Metallica

Joel McIver

Omnibus Press ISBN 0711996008 (2004)


Joel McIver has written previous books covering extreme metal and Slipknot. Here he turns his attention to one of the biggest metal acts of the 80’s and beyond, Metallica. Not an official biography but more an honest fans history of the band, the people they influenced and were influenced by and how the band has evolved, not always for the better, down the years.

The book starts with the early life of all the key band members and has a great deal of in depth detail on the thrash movement’s development in the 80’s. in depth detail on the band’s influences and interviews with key members from these bands and journalists of the day.

Joel McIver

There are various key chapters that debunk some myths surrounding the band, from the truth about Cliff Burton’s sad demise to the more recent battle with download site Napster. The good thing in this book is that Joel doesn’t hold back and is critical of the band’s latter albums, especially ‘Load’ and ‘Reload’, writing as a true fan rather than a paid writer who has no real interest in the band or music as is the case with some musical biographies.

Very readable and I challenge any Metallica fan to come away from the book less informed and enlightened than when they started reading it.


Review by Jason Ritchie

***** Out of this world | **** Pretty damn fine |
*** OK, approach with caution unless you are a fan |
** Instant bargain bin fodder | * Ugly. Just ugly

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