KINGDOM COME ‘Kingdom Come’ ( Lemon CDLEM30)(2004) (55:51)
1988 and this American band, led by the German singer Lenny Wolf, took
America and the UK by (a small) storm, sounding very much like Led Zeppelin,
albeit a more polished metal sound. The novelty soon wore off and fans came
to their senses and it was down hill from there.
Even so, this is a solid and strong set, and while the sleevenotes try to
mention Deep Purple and AC/DC, it really is Zep all the way; who can forget
Gary Moore’s justifiable ‘Led Clones’ aimed squarely at them?
The clean cut powerful vocals and bluesy hard guitar say Zep all over,
tracks like ‘Living Out Of Touch’ and ‘Get It On’.
If you liked Kingdom Come, this is an excellent and long overdue package,
but most will be happy with Page, Plant et al.
Review by Joe Geesin