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JON ANDERSON Tour Of The Universe
(Classic Pictures DVD)(2005)
Away with the fairies...

Jon Anderson

Jon Anderson may seem away with the fairies to some but personally I think he deserves credit as he passionately believes about his inner spirit and beliefs, which form a core part of this DVD.

It is just Jon Anderson on his own (helped on three tracks by a local school choir and Rick Wakeman pops up to play piano on one track). Along with the music you get some truly stunning visuals plus backdrops of past military conflicts form a haunting backdrop to some tunes.

Musically it covers all periods from Yes classics (‘Yours Is No Disgrace’ and ‘Long Distance Runaround’), Jon & Vangelis’s ‘State Of Independence’ (also the single from this release) and even Anderson’s first song he ever wrote, the aptly titled ‘First Song’. A definite highlight has to be Anderson performing a traditional number ‘ ,O’er’ where again the casuals match the music to a tee.

The key feature to all of this is the Golden Mean, a magical number throughout history and one which Anderson believes drives the sprit of life and is the key to the universe. Indeed the bonus features are not music or interviews with Anderson, but interviews with an academic on the Golden Mean (which at times gets too detailed for the casual viewer) and one on the influence on music of the Golden Mean, presented by a concert pianist.

A very well thought out and indeed thought provoking DVD that features music from all areas of Jon Anderson’s career to date.


Review by Jason Ritchie


Review (CD single)

***** Out of this world | **** Pretty damn fine |
*** OK, approach with caution unless you are a fan |
** Instant bargain bin fodder | * Ugly. Just ugly

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