THE IVORY TOWER PROJECT ‘Red Hot’ (Promo EP GR/RM-0001) (2003)
Songwriters Johnny Jace and Mark Regula have put together ITP. This four-track EP
includes the standout 'Burning', a slap bass driven ditty that reminded me of a Continental European band trying to
to do American: it's a little bit lightweight but catchy nevertheless. It perhaps comes as a surprise, then, that
this band hails from New York. The fourth track 'Way Too Late' continues this vein.
It's melodic and probably not representative of a full album. But it's definitely time-warp stuff
and you wish they'd just cut out the eighties synths, crank up some grunge guitar, and make it a
bit more 2003.
As if to reiterate the eighties feel, the band's early single 'My Name'(reissued here) includes a keyboard
nod to Supertramp. Ah, now those were the days!
***** Out of this world | **** Pretty
damn fine |
*** OK, approach with caution unless you are a fan |
** Instant bargain bin fodder | * Ugly. Just ugly