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DESPERADO Ace (Angel Air SJPCD154) (2006)


An album featuring the line-up of Twisted Sister's Dee Snider, guitarist Bernie Torme (Gillan)/Ozzy), drummer Clive Burr (Iron Maiden) and bassist Marc Russell (Widowmaker) would you have thought gained a release back in 1989 but sadly due to label politics on Elektra at the time the album never saw the light of day until now (bar bootleg versions).

It is nigh on criminal as this album is a real gem and I am sure would have done well if released back in 1989 - the grunge revolution that killed off many an 80's band didn't really kink in until 1992 onwards.

Vocally this is one of Dee Snider's best as he drops a lot of the TS style screams for a much mellower yet still powerful vocal style, such as 'No Angels Here'.

Opener 'Hang 'Em High' starts acoustically before the kicking in with some crashing guitar riffs. This is the sort of western themed tune Bon Jovi strives for but never quite succeeds at.

Elsewhere Torme plays up a storm, none more so than on the hard rocking 'Emaheevuil' (since recorded by Snider in his other projects). Burr and Russell form a very tight rhythm section and it is a real shame that this band only ever played one live gig.

Many older albums released in the past few years claim to be 'lost gems' but more often than not they deserve to remain lost! But Desperdao is one of the few that deserves a full release plus you get good sleeve notes and interviews with Snider and Torme.


Review by Jason Ritchie

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Gone Bad
© 2006 Angel Air Records. All rights reserved.

Related>> Album review (Bernie Torme)

Related>> Interview

***** Out of this world | **** Pretty damn fine |
*** OK, approach with caution unless you are a fan |
** Instant bargain bin fodder | * Ugly. Just ugly

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