GRTR's Ian Pollard first visit to Sweden Rock was back in 2002 and he's been
a regular visitor ever since. He has witnessed first hand the growth of one
of the main festival events in the rock calendar. He braved the vagaries of
the Swedish summer to report on four days of beer and bands...

Day 3 is heavily overcast, and rain / hail
accompany breakfast. It is Mrs. P's birthday today - a special one ending in
a "0" - so she is encouraged to wear a badge proclaiming the fact to the
world. With the strong possibility of bumping in to drunken
Scandinavians along the way, such a badge could result in some interesting
encounters : (it did, and much fun was had).

Photo by Ian
Pollard. Photo
Ex-Savatage front man Jon Oliva with his band Pain gets our first
attention of the day. Somewhat similar in style to his previous band, but a
touch more melodic, they are pleasantly surprising. Songs from latest album
'Global Warning' sound as good as, if not better than the Savatage songs
(with the exception of "Hall of the Mountain King" of course, which is
superb). No room in the set for anything from Jon's other little project,
Trans-Siberian Orchestra, unfortunately - but a very good start to the day.

Photo by Ian
Pollard. Photo
Marillion are up next, but I only get a brief look as they clash with
a band I haven't seen before (whereas Steve Hogarth and co. have featured
heavily in the last few years viewing). What I do see is exactly what you
would expect - high quality, well crafted prog from 5 very talented

Photo by Ian
Pollard. Photo
The band that drags me away is Amberian Dawn, heirs apparent to the
Finnish operatic metal crown (vacated by Nightwish with the loss of Tarja).
The jury is still out on their ascension though, as while they undoubtedly
have the skill and song writing ability there was something missing from
this performance.
Heidi Parviainen has the voice of an angel, but I am
not convinced she has the power to front a metal band, or that she can
change away from the purely operatic singing style. To be fair, the
relatively weak PA system in the Gibson tent may have contributed to this.
Halfway through their set, the tent filled up to capacity… the rain had

Photo by Ian
Pollard. Photo
The bands are coming thick and fast now, so it is a quick stop at the
Festival stage to check on Lita Ford. She is looking good and in good
voice, although the overall sound could probably have used another guitar up
there. I had to leave before she got to the climax of the set, so don't know
if Runaways classic "Cherry Bomb" got an airing.

Photo by Ian
Pollard. Photo
A NWOBHM stalwart grace the Zeppelin stage next. Demon open the set
with two of their best songs, "Night of the Demon" and "Blackheath". Always
an entertaining act, and happily free of any of the technical glitches that
have so often marred previous performances I have witnessed. Dave Hill is in
fine form and leads the line well, and all 6 members seem to be genuinely
enjoying themselves on stage. The fans present are definitely enjoying
themselves, despite the rain. Unfortunately I have to leave before the end,
and therefore miss the excellent "Don't Break The Circle".

Photo by Ian
Pollard. Photo
The hardest decision of the week comes next as UFO and Kamelot are playing
at exactly the same time. As Kamelot gigs are less prevalent in the
UK, I choose them and am rewarded with a spectacular show. Flames leap up
from at least 8 locations around the stage throughout. Roy Khan continues to
improve every time I see him (and he was damn good the first time). His
vocal control is superb, and he is very well complemented by his band
colleagues who seem happy to let him dominate the stage - and why not?
The rain gets heavier as the set goes on, and by the
time the highlight "March of Mephisto" is aired for the encore (accompanied
by yet more flames), Roy must be soaked to the skin. He does not have the
luxury of donning waterproofs as many of the crowd has, so full credit is
due for the fact he still delivers 100% in awful conditions.

Photo by Ian
Pollard. Photo
Amazingly, the rain ceases just before Foreigner take to the stage -
for only their second ever appearance in Sweden. Mick Jones and friends run
through a set full of classics, with Kelly Hansen handling vocal duties very
well indeed. The appropriate (in the circumstances) "Cold As Ice" is just a
taster for what is to follow.
With Jeff Pilson providing some very energetic bass
playing, and obviously enjoying his new home, the hits flow… "Urgent", "Hot
Blooded", "Jukebox Hero" (including an expertly done segue into a verse /
chorus of "Whole Lotta Love" in the middle), to name but a few. Inevitably,
"I Want To Know What Love Is" makes an encore appearance with much swaying
to and fro amongst the crowd.

Photo by Ian
Pollard. Photo
Regular SRF performers Motorhead return next, along with the rain.
Once again, they have the "Bomber" lighting rig with them - still a
spectacular sight after all these years. Like the rig, Lemmy doesn't change
much either - he's still his usual gruff self on stage, full of energy (and
JD by the end of the set). You know exactly what to expect from Motorhead,
and from opener "Iron Fist" through to "Ace Of Spades" they deliver.

Photo by Ian
Pollard. Photo
Headlining for the day is Sweden's own big metal act - In Flames.
This is my first encounter with them, and they certainly put on a
spectacular show full of explosions and effects. Clearly very popular with
the home crowd, but not really my style of music. The cold and damp wins and
drives me back towards the campsite… to a cold and damp tent and sleeping
bag, for a cold and damp night. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.