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Ten Questions with...


Steve Howe is renowned for his work with prog-rockers Yes and his solo performances, in concert and on album. He has recently released a new DVD of his live performances in early 2004. This includes solo material and his first band outing with sons Virgil and Dylan.

1. What are you currently up to?

I am preparing for the More Drama Tour with Chris Squire and Alan White and guest, Geoff Downes in the U.S from Aug' 2 till Sept' 4. My new CD " Spectrum " has just been released on Inside Out with Dylan and Virgil, my sons and Tony Levin and Oliver Wakeman.

2. You have a new DVD out, 'Remedy'. What was the idea behind the DVD release and could you take us through some highlights please?

I usually tour solo but last March I took the band that feature here. For the first time, I played mostly tune that had never been performed live. Also an acoustic spot featuring To Be Over and J"s Theme.

3. This DVD and the tour it is taken from was the first real solo tour with a full band. What was it like having your sons each night on stage performing music with you?

A very special feeling, quite light and refreshing. I am extremely proud of Dylan and Virgil.

Steve Howe
Photo © Mark Hadley

4. How did you hook-up with Ray Fenwick? How did you decide which guitar parts he would play?

Ray and I go back, way back to the 60's. He was a good choice and I selected the range of parts he would play based on what ever the most important guitar was on the recording, underneath what I was playing.

5. How has your solo career developed down the years? Have you ever been tempted to get an 'all star' guest list like some band members do on their solo albums?

I have put more into it since the early '90's as I now have 10 studio solo CDs. The idea of guests is nice, they must fit the music and for me, fit in personality-wise.

6. Do you find with touring that fans are always after the classic Yes tunes?

To some extent they do/have wanted the classics, but also the obscured classics too. Perhaps To Be Over, Sound Chaser or Machine Messiah.We have included some tunes from our more recent 3 releases on our tours.

7. What future does Yes have (certainly touring wise) given that Rick Wakeman has announced his retirement from touring from 2006?

I thought this would come up soon. I don't have a crystal ball but I know that I do not want this hanging over the band next year. I would think that Yes have the option for many more years touring ahead.

8. Asia - You've kept in contact with Geoff Downes and appeared on some of the John Payne fronted albums. What are your perosnal favourate Asia songs and why? Could you ever see a reunion (even for just one concert) of the Howe/Downes/Wetton/Palmer line-up?

The 3 songs I co-wrote with John are my favorites, Here Come That Feeling, Without You and One Step Closer. I can't see it (?) happening but I don"t have a problem with the idea provided we could all get on and were sensible.

8. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

What's that? O.K I remember, walk, talk, watch snooker or tennis and learn useful stuff along the way!

9. Message to your fans?

Support you favorite musicians by receiving there music, legally! Then there can be more new recordings to come.

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Interview © 2005 Jason Ritchie/
Format and edit: The Music Index.

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