In August 2005
Mostly Autumn's Heather Findlay and Angela Gordon established the acoustically
driven duo Odin Dragonfly. Their debut album 'Offerings' is an excellent
acoustic led album and includes a cover of Jethro Tull's 'Witches Promise'.

What are you currently up to?
Angela: The duo is currently taking a break; I'm being a full-time mum with the
odd local solo and charity-classical shows...
and Heather is busy with MA duties...
Brief history of Odin Dragonfly for those who may not be familiar with the
Angela: It started out as the 'dressing room project' of Mostly Autumn's Heather
Findlay and myself, a chance to air our more acoustic and not necessarily Mostly
Autumn-suitable writing
Could you take us through your debut album 'Offerings' (e.g. story behind the
song, song writing process)...
Angela: Offerings is a collection of the songs we performed live on the various
tours, produced very much in the vain they were performed live; honest, organic,
How did you choose the two covers on the album by Jethro Tull and Stevie
Nicks? Also would you consider do a Christmas/seasonal themed album?
Angela: Jethro Tull and Stevie Nicks represent 2 main (of many) influences we
are proud to 'wear on our sleeves'. Witches Promise was popular from our live
shows, in particular with it's unusual dual-vocal effect and Forsaken Love
captured Heather's imagination on first hearing. Due to our other commitments a
seasonal album from the duo is unlikely.
What have been the live highlights so far for the band and who ideally would
you like to tour with & why?
Angela: How well Offerings has been received has been a highlight for me, all
the tours were great fun - if I had to pick one show, the headline show at
Fibbers in York launching the album; such a family and friends crowd and warm
How do you view the internet and downloads? How has the internet helped get
your music out there?
Angela: The internet has been invaluable, giving us the ability to mainly
self-distribute. I'm torn on downloading; reduced carbon footprint vs. handling
a beautifully presented artwork package, making your music accessible vs. the
piracy issue...
How did you get your first break into the music business? What piece of
advice would you pass onto budding musicians?
Angela: My first
break into contemporary music was as a lighting-techy for Mostly Autumn. Advice?
Just remember 'easy come - easy go' and 'if it sounds too good to be true it
probably is'
What do you like doing with your spare time outside of music?
Angela: yoga, walking, cinema, reading, and lately; being Mummy to Scarlett
Gordon and sleeping!
Message for your fans...
Angela: Thank you for your overwhelming support and making it possible for us to
follow our dreams, see you out there.
Interview © 2008 Jason Ritchie.
All rights reserved.
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