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Ten Questions with...

NASTY IDOLS (Dick Qwarfort)

Dick Qwarfort, Nasty Idols

Hi Dick. What are you currently up to?

Well, Nikk, currently we're trying to organise new management and booking agents..!!

We wanna go on tour for real this time. Last time it was just a reunion, that went on by, day by dayWe didn't have anything planned, just ..,take it one day at a time, play and see what happened.

But now it's time to do this for real so to speak....! We're all really eager to play and wanna see all the rock places in Europe with a true Idols show..! And perhaps we'll throw in a Nasty Idols Live record into that mix, too.. You never know?

Could you take us through the new album "Boys Town" (Metal Heaven)

OK Andy basically, made some songs for starters and I made a bunch, then we teamed up for the final touch. The whole idea was to make Boys Town into a Friday-night-party-til'-u-puke kinda albumAndy and I wrote the songs on Fridays to get the real feeling and pulse of the city - you know, you just look outside the window and you see that crowd of people hangin' in bars, girls dressed up for the night, couples getting drunk, fighting in the street and stuff and you get the right vibe of the songs you write, right there...!?

Tell us about your cover of "Method To My Madness", was there any particular reason why you picked this track to record?

Andy had it on a ‘Mix' tape back when he was young and it was his turn to pick a cover to do this time,..Ha! Ha!
I did it last time - it was the Dead Kennedy's Too Drunk To Fuck And on our first album it was No More Mr. Nice Guy...I think it turned out good actually, check out the shit on Youtube...!

The band recently reformed, how did this come about?

Well, there was this phone call from Andy in 2006 asking me if I wanna play on Sweden Rock? We were ones the public wanted to see and vote for, Nasty Idols got the highest votes, and I thought it would be cool. It went from there. This year the Electric Boys did the same thing!

Nasty Idols

What have been the most memorable live shows form you and why?

That first live show we did right after the Cruel Intention release, everybody knew the songs by heart and the album had only just been released..! And, of course, the gig at Sweden Rock.. Check out that crowd on our live DVD, I Fucken love ‘em..!

If given the chance which bands would you like to tour with and why?

Sweet, Kiss, Alice Cooper and the Sex Pistols Truly, that's our old heroes if you can call them that, and we'd look like teenagers beside them, Ha! Ha!

One band I really would like to play with is Vains Of Jenna and we're gonna, at the Rock The Night Festival in Copenhagen on the 30th of May.. Don't you miss it!

How did you get your first break into the music business? What piece of advice would you pass onto budding musicians?

Don't go there; it's hard, hard work; I mean, it's enjoyable sometimes, but you have to sell your soul a little, and I sure as hell have, Ha! Ha!

..Just play what you feel is right for you and fuck the industry; they haven't done anything for us, period, we have struggled form day one..!

How do you view the current music scene? Have you seen an upswing in interest over the past couple of years in metal and hard rock?

Absolutely, magazines and websites are springing up everywhere and it's really cool! I think people are pretty sick of being told what to listen to and prefer to make up there own minds, not get some MTV-Bubblegum-Elevator Music- Pop crap shoved down their throat. But there's still a lot of bullshit.. There was a reviewer who loved our album and wanted to do an interview for a metal magazine, and the editor (?) said that our record label wasn't big enough..? So every genre in the industry turns out to be a music-whore, it's sad but true..!

What is your plan for Nasty Idols over the next 5 years or so?

You mean the next five DAYS? I don't know, waking up alive, I guess, Ha! Ha!

No, but touring, a live record and perhaps a whole new album as well One step at a time.. I already got ideas for new Nasty Idols Classics, Ha! Ha!

A Message for your fans...!

Hope to see ya soon! It's been far too long...Come on in, and join our madness...!


Interview © May 2009 Nikk Gunns
All rights reserved.

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