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Ten Questions with...


Great solo artist & songwriter, he's had two hit albums in the US plus top 20 singles. His last album 'Shine' is well worth a listen for all fans of catchy melodic rock and Now & Then have just put out his very first work '88'. Worth buying for the tune 'Forever' alone! Thanks to Mark at Now & Then for passing the questions on.

1. What are you currently up to?

I'm recording a record called Fluid Sol right now. It's more modern rock but still AOR. As soon as that is finished I will start on another Solo record. I might be touring this year? We will see? Maybe this fall? In Europe.

2. What has been the highlight(s) and lowpoints(s) of your career to date?

I was in Van Halen for a few weeks. That was pretty cool but I would have to say being on The tonight show. Then there was the show 2 years ago in Madrid. That was a highlight. Thanks Madrid. :>)

3. How did you first get into the music business? Who have been your main influences on your career to date?

I threw myself into it. When I first touched the guitar at age 12 I was hooked. Influences were Heart, Journey, Aerosmith, Zep, Cheap Trick, Too many to list.

4. Malloy '88' has just come out via Now & Then (great tunes especially 'Forever') - how come these songs have never been released before now? Any more unreleased tunes still out there?

It was time. There is also a record called Infinity that I did with David Rosenthall from Red Dawn. Before Red Dawn and before Malloy and Way before Mitch Malloy. Reb Beach from Winger plays on it as well. Way before Winger as well. We were just young lads. David had already been in Rainbow though. He was in that band at age 19. Anyway,,,, It's as good as Malloy 88 just different. More like Toto. It's very very high quality. Recorded in the same studio Bon Jovi cut 7800 Fahrenheit in. Actually right before they started we were in there. Actually they had to wait for us to finish and that's a whole other story as Jon Discovered Cinderella in Philly the night he was waiting for us. (Your welcome Tom Kiefer.) LOL. The studio is in Philly. It's called the Warehouse. Owned by Obie Obrien and Lance Quinn who did the 7800 record, and the first Bon Jovi record. Obie also engineered Infinity. He was great. He is big friends with Jon. Great guy. Funny too.

5. What do you think was the key to the success of your full-blown debut album? Did you ever consider joining a band at anytime or are you more comfortable in a solo environment?

I think I made a pretty good record? I guess? I worked really hard on it and put everything I had into it. That record was the result of everything I had done up to that point which was a lot. Too bad the label didn't get it out sooner. :>) Spilled milk. I was in Van Halen for a few weeks. Did I mention that I was in Van Halen for a few weeks? LOL. Ed said my voice was too good. I was like, huh? He was sorta joking and sorta not I think? Too clean is what he meant. He also said I was too young and pretty and he thought that was funny as well. He was laughing, as at that point I was "in" the band. As far as I knew anyway? He said "I was gonna make them look like a bunch of old fucks." LOL! He was cool. He also told me I had a "fucking amazing voice and I was better then Sammy". I said, "REALLY"? "Hum,,,, Ok, If you say so"??? LOL. Sammy is a freak. LOL! Seems like a good guy too but I never met him.

6. How was the 'Shine' album received? What are your personal favourites on that album and why?

Seemed to be received well. I like You lift me, It's about love and some others. I don't now? I forgot what's on it. LOL. I move on pretty fast.

Mitch Malloy

7. How do you go about coming-up with ideas for songs? Have any of your songs ever been covered by other artists at all?

Stuff just comes to me. Like any idea comes to anyone. The difference with a guy like me is that I'm a musical being so they come through musically more then any other way. A few other artists have cut my songs but no one famous yet.

8. What has been the best career decision you have made and why?

Hum,,, have I EVER made one? LOL. I would say going to Spain on tour 2 years ago. Most recent anyway. I think continuing on with the European labels making records is the best decision I've made in a while. I'm having a good time.

9. What do you do in your spare time outside of music?

Ah,,,,,, Spare time? Is that when your NOT working? I'm always working. On these wages I have too. LOL. I hug my dogs and get out to a movie if at all possible. Heart is on tour this summer so I finally have a band to go see. :>) I see about one concert a year.

10. Message to your fans...

What can I say to my fan's that is better than giving them another CD? Hum,,,,, See,,, the thing is, I have to think `cause nothing to say to my fans is good enough. I am humbled by their support and their acknowledgement of the music that flows through me. I just thank God that someone likes it. But mostly I want to thank THEM and invite them to come out and ROCK the next time I tour! Nothing is more fun then meeting them and seeing them smile. Sounds corny possibly but then so does most of the stuff that comes out of my mouth. LOL. I'll stick to singing.

Interview © 2003 Jason Ritchie/
Format and edit: The Music Index.

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