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Ten Questions with...


Michael Hannon, vocalist with American Dog and before that, Salty Dog. Check out the new CD on Outlaw Records - if you love Buckcherry, Blackfoot, AC/DC - you'll love this one!

1. What are you currently up to?

With the new CD offically coming out we've been playing "Anywhere and Everywhere" getting in shape for our next big tour, Playing live is what we do best, and the thing we enjoy the most.

2. Who were your influences?

The first band to really grab me by the throat was KISS, I remember the moment, listening to AM radio in the car driving with my mom from Pittsburg PA. to Wheeling W. Va., "Rock and Roll All Nite" came on, it was so much better to me than all that Hall and Oats type shit, It had Balls!

3. Which band would you like to see reform?

The mark 2 line up of Deep Purple would be pretty bad-ass!

4. The new album ROCKS! It reminds me of classic era Blackfoot and the Godz. I love the tracks 'Blame It On The Booze' and 'Motors Down'. How did you come up with the song ideas? How does it compare to earlier albums? What songs do you think will go down well live?

The Music is pretty much a group effort on most of the songs, (with Steve starting it out with a riff and the rest of us jumping in. So far I've written all of the lyrics, I mostly write about the stuff going on around me/us, and playing all the bars we do this explains all the drinking references, You are what you eat and the mirror reflects what it sees!! (I see drunk PEOPLE! ha!)

As far as comparing to the other cd's , We're pretty damn consistent i think, You'll definitley be able to recognize our sound, with just a touch more aggression on a few of the tunes.

5. Guitarist Steve Theado was badly injured in a hit and run accident. How is he recovering? (Best wishes to him from all the newswire readers). His guitar really shines - some nice slide on the album. You had a benefit gig with the Southern Rock All Stars, how did this go?

The Benefit was a huge success, and a necessity! Steve has a son, it's hard to support a kid when you're in a wheelchair for 4 months! But Rock-n-Rollers are a pretty damn good buncha people Not only did the Southern Rock Allstars come out, We had Eric Moore of the Godz come up and play some classic Godz tunes plus another 5 or 6 local bands showed up and tons of friends...It makes you feel real good about people.

6. How easy is it to get radio airplay? What countries have the strongest fanbase for you? Any countr(ies) that you would love to play and why?

It's almost Impossible to get airplay!!! Unless you're on a major label, or the "Flavor of the week (weak) You ain't gettin' shit all! The country with the biggest fanbase is definetly the U.S., basically cuz we play here the most, We also do good in France and Belgium...We have fans everywhere--I would say because of the easy access via the internet...But it's playing live that gets you the fanatics, and the midwest of the U.S. is where we play the most.

I would love to play Australia, Some of my favorite bands are from there AC/DC, Rose Tattoo, and The Angels are all bad mo-fo's...and check out this band called "The Poor" -Top Notch! They got some good women down there too!

7. Salty Dog - was this a case of a band being in the wrong place at the wrong time? Grunge was on it's way and it seemed only hair metal bands were getting exposure. Would Salty Dog ever get back together for a one-off reunion at all?

Wrong Place and time was not Salty Dog's problem, The Problem was too much drugs all the time! and I think "Salty" was more in the vein of Tesla and not as much "Hair", although we did have a lot of hair (and still do) as far as a one off..I'm not really interested right now, American Dog takes up all my time The 3 of us have 5 years each in this already, Doing a one off would be a slap in the face for a quick fix! Don't get me wrong ,I get along with the other guys from "Salty" but i'm not going to sacrifice what we've built here from scratch.

8. Who would you like to work with in the future - either touring or recording?

I'm happy with the three stooges that we've got gathered together, as far as recording. On touring??? MOTORHEAD, NASHVILLE PUSSY, JACKYL, AC/DC, ZZ TOP, TED NUGENT....Just yer basic ass- kickin' rock bands.

9. What was the last thing you read?

Motorheadbangers : Diary of the Fans Vol. 1 by Alan Burridge.

10. Message for your fans...

Thanks for all the e-mails and letters to Steve , it really cheered him up bringing that stuff to the hospital. We're pretty proud of the new CD...We'll play it for you on the road.

Interview © 2002 Jason Ritchie/
Format and edit: The Music Index.

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