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Ten Questions with...


Lou Gramm Band

Former Foreigner vocalist Lou Gramm releases his new album through Frontiers this month. After battling health issues it is great to have one of rock's finest vocal talents back in action.

What are you currently up to? (recording, gigs, plans)

We are entering into our busiest time of the year for live shows, and hoping that our CD will be accepted well enough to take us to some new places.

Could you take us through the new album please e.g. story behind the song, song writing process...

It's probably way less complicated than it would seem, Richard, Don, and Andy are always coming up with musical ideas that could possibly develop into good songs. Unfortunately, our playing schedule doesn't always allow us the time to work them out as a group. We keep making "rough tapes" of new ideas which I then get to take home to add melodies and lyrics to. When I'm happy with their direction, we get back together as a group and complete the songs.

What was it like recording with your two brothers and former Black Sheep band member Dan Mancuso? Did you consider bringing in other musicians such as members of your previous solo band line-ups?

We really have an abundance of writers within the group, so we never really felt the need to bring in outside help. Also, having two very different guitar players (Don and Richard) has created enough choices for riffs and solos.

How key have your Christian beliefs been in composing your music?

My faith has had a great influence on my life and music, I think that it's present in all my lyrics.

Foreigner - what were the highlights for you both live and recording wise with the band? Could there be any chance at all of working with Mick Jones and the band in the future?

I'm very proud of my accomplishments with Foreigner and feel that albums like Foreigner Four and Mr. Moonlight are examples of Foreigner at it's best, but it's also in my past and that's where I'd like it kept.

What have been the most memorable live shows for you and why?

There have been so many that its hard to weigh one against the other, but some of my early shows, like Cal Jam with such huge crowds still hold a place in my memory.

How do you view the current music scene? Have you seen an upswing in interest over the past couple of years in metal and hard rock?

I'm glad to see music coming around to a place where songs with a definite "rock edge" are being accepted again. Although I try to find something to enjoy in any music, my heart is still into rock.

Is there any chance at all of recording another Shadow King album at all? Why do you think this album is still held in such high esteem by fans all these years later?

Shadow King was able to create a very original sound and broke some new ground, but I believe that we said all that we had to say and again, I'm happy to leave it in my past.

How did you get your first break into the music business? What piece of advice would you pass onto budding musicians?

I'm not sure that there really was any break, I've always been working and it steadily grew into a memorable career that will hopefully continue on with The Lou Gramm Band. I would advise anyone who is looking for instant success to re-evaluate their goals.

What do you like doing with your spare time outside of music?

I have nine year old twins that occupy most of my free time. I also collect muscle cars from the 60s that I enjoy driving in the summer months.

Message for your fans...

I'm hoping to satisfy new audiences with The Lou Gramm Band CD, and keep the support of my long time Foreigner, Shadow King and Lou Gramm solo album fans.


Interview © May 2009 Jason Ritchie.
All rights reserved.

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