Jean Beauvoir
and Crown Of Thorns are back with a cracking new album 'Faith' (Frontiers),
which sees the band return to what they do best, mixing melodic hard rock with
ballads. Over to Jean and possibly the first 10Q's ever completed on a plane...
What are you currently up to?
Just groovin' on the fact that we're getting some pretty good reviews, looking
into doing some dates etc. We've all been pretty busy and live on opposite ends
of the country but we're just sorting out future plans at the moment.
Could you take us through the excellent new album 'Faith'
Well thanks so much! Most of the songs were written in the past 15 months except
fro two, Home Again and All in My Head.
I wrote those two
a few years ago when w were thinking of releasing a new CofT. As usual, as so I
know we're making a record, I start humming into my cell phone, mini tape
recorders etc, any ideas tat come to mind. Then I start to do rough demos in my
studio to stat to get the feel of the album.
The guys also
start working on riffs or whatever comes to mind. At one point, we all get
together, usually one at a time to work on additional song ideas. Once all is
looking pretty good. The actual recording begins. The demos usually have the
basic structures.
Why was there such a gap between the new album 'Faith' and 2002's 'Karma'?
How did the duet with Doro Pesch come about on the 'Karma' album?
It was time to take a break or at least it seemed that way. Steven Van Zandt had
asked me to partner up with him and run his Rock and Roll media company,
Renegade Nation. That took up lots of my time and still does. After a while, we
all got the itch to record again and with so many requests from fans, and a
request from Frontiers, the time was right.
I met Doro through
her road manager who worked with me originally. I've always loved her work so
when we met, we hit it off right away. I wrote some songs with and her band and
asked her to do a duet with me for CofT.
Were you pleased with the fan reaction and reviews for your last solo album
How do you
approach writing solo songs as opposed to writing for Crown Of Thorns?
Does the band
have much lyrical/musical input into the songwriting process for Crown Of
I actually don't really remember all the reviews, I'd have to go back and check.
I'm doing this interview on a plane from LA to Florida!
I believe they
were pretty good even though the music was quite different. Interesting thing
about my fans, they seem to give me latitude which I very much appreciate but
they want Crown of Thorns to be pure CofT! The songwriting is approached
differently, I experiment more on the solo records where CofT comes into my mind
fairly clearly.
Tommy has always been somewhat involved in some writing, we wrote Living in the
Shadows together, I love it. Michael came to the party this year and co-wrote
Rock Ready, love that too!
I pretty much
write all the lyrics and melodies when we co-write but the guys come in with
some killer riffs and music for me to work with, I tweak and add to it and
How do you view the current music scene? Have you seen an upswing in interest
over the past couple of years in melodic/hard rock?
It's tough out there, traditional record biz is falling apart. It seems that
there is an increased interest in melodic hard rock, I definitely hope so!..
How did you get your first break into the music business? What piece of
advice would you pass onto budding musicians?
I got my first break from Gary US bonds when I was 14 years old. He had a big it
in the early 60's. He was later produced by Bruce Springsteen and Little Steven
and had another big US hit in the 80's.
He found me
playing with my junior high school rock band one summer in a club. He mad me his
musical director and I played with him, Bo Diddley, Chuck Berry and lots of
others for the next couple of years. After that, I joined the Plasmatics.
I would say, stay focused on what you want, be persistent and don't let
rejection get you down.
What have been the most memorable live shows for you and why?
All live shows have been memorable, anytime fans come out to see you. Its always
a treat. But I would say, that Wembley Stadium, and Marquee London were
something extra special.
Who else would you like to write/record with if given the chance?
Lot's of Artists. I would have loved to write with Zeppelin, Mick Jones from
Foreigner, he played on my first solo record. Bon Jovi, Ozzy, I actually ran
into him yesterday at a TV studio in LA. Aerosmith, Paul McCartney, this is to
name a few.
What do you like doing with your spare time outside of music?
Riding my Harley, buzzin' around in my 1987 Lotus Turbo Esprit, hangin' with the
family, going to the beach, watching movies, out with the boys!
Message for your fans...
Thank You All for sticking with us!!! You complete us and we love ya Hope to see
you soon face to face.
Interview ©
September 2008 Jason Ritchie. All rights reserved.
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