What are you currently
up to? (recording, gigs, plans)
Doing promotion for the new album, do a couple of acoustic performances and get
back into my cave, waiting for inspiration!
Could you take us through your superb new album '01011001' (e.g. story behind
the song, song writing process)..
Thanks for the compliment! Okay, here I do. Through technological advancement,
'Forever', a race of aquatic beings living on Planet Y, has found the secret of
They have advanced to the
point that they have become completely dependent on machines and are losing
their emotions. A passing comet on a collision course with Planet Earth provides
the opportunity to revitalize their race; 'Forever' harness the comet to carry
their DNA to a new home on Earth.
When the comet and Earth
collide, the cataclysmic impact exterminates the dinosaurs (the Fifth
Extinction), but from the ashes of destruction, humans arise. At first, the
experiment with seeded DNA seems successful: through the humans 'Forever'
vicariously relive the emotions they experienced before the age of machines.
In order to help mankind
overcome their physical ailments and mental limitations, 'Forever' speeds up
human evolution. But the result is tragic: people develop a similar
technological dependency with their emotions waning just like 'Forever' and
moral development not keeping pace with their capacity to invent. 'Forever' must
find a way to save mankind from its imminent self-destruction... or should they?
Touring is obviously hard due to the sheer number of performers that would be
involved but would a one-off show for say DVD release be possible (along the
lines of the Star One release)?
No, because you need to rehearse for a couple of months and the many guest
musicians won't be available for that time period.
When starting out to write/compose an album do you have in mind the vocalists
you would like to use on each song and if so does this influence your composing?
No, I choose the singers after the music is finished.
Who would is still on your wish list of musicians/vocalists to work with?
Too many to mention! Most of all musicians from the bands I grew up listening
to, like Floyd, Zeppelin, Beatles, Purple etc.
What were the highlights and lowlights during your time in Stream Of Passion?
The highlight was meeting the fans, the lowlights in that period the horrible
depression I went through after my divorce.
How do you view the internet and downloads? How has the internet helped get
your music out there?
Yes, I think it did. Allthough I was selling very well before the internet as
well, so it's hard to say. Luckily I have very loyal fans who might download the
album because they can't wait, but they will buy the real thing as well. My only
income is from the sales of CDs because I don't play live anymore.
You have discovered some great musicians on your albums such as Lori Linsruth.
How do you get to know/hear about such musicians and any other new
bands/musicians out there you would recommend?
I listen to music every day for an hour before I go to sleep, and the fans
always suggest musicians to me.
How did you get your first break into the music business?
I auditioned for my favourite dutch metal band Bodine as a singer. I knew I
wouldn't be good enough, but I sneaked my way in as a guitarplayer :-)
What piece of advice would you pass onto budding musicians?
Have patience. If you are afraid you wouldn't earn enough money from music,
don't do it. Do it because you HAVE to, because music chose you.
What do you like doing with your spare time outside of music?
Watching DVD's, mostly TV series such as Star Trek, X Files, Monk etc.
Message for your fans...
Carpe diem! Oh...and buy my shit :-)
Interview © 2008 Jason Ritchie.
All rights reserved.
Album review
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