MELISSAA ETHERIDGE Fearless Love Island (2010)
An artist whose name I know but haven't heard much from her besides the odd single. This new album will certainly delight her fans as it marks a return to her more rockier roots. She has the gift of penning memorable lyrics and wrapping them in stories of everyday life.
Definite highlights would be the title track which kicks the album off in grand style. Full of crashing guitars and drums with a Coldplay like piano motif running throughout the song. Amazingly this isn't the album's lead single, that falls to 'Indiana' which has a slower pace but is still very catchy.
Melissa Etheridge can turn her hand to more melancholy moments too including 'Gently We Row', a lovely tune and lyric. 'The Waiting Of You' is another contender for some serious airplay as it again stays with the listener after just one play.
This song along with a couple of other songs on the album, feature Melissa Etheridge adding a slight country lilt to her voice. But is more Mary Chapin Carpenter than Dolly Parton!
If you have not heard her music before then this album is a good place to start. There is a good mix of feisty rockers and the more laid back tunes to make for a very rewarding listen.
Review by Jason Ritchie

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***** Out of this world | **** Pretty
damn fine |
*** OK, approach with caution unless you are a fan |
** Instant bargain bin fodder | * Ugly. Just ugly |
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