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TED NUGENT Motor City Mayhem - The 6000th Concert
Eagle Vision EREDV734 (2009)
Talkative Ted at landmark gig...

Ted Nugent

If you want a guitar hero who is equally over the top with his patriotism and bullshit as he is with his shred, the Motor Mouth Madman Nugent is your man. This special concert was to celebrate both his 6000th concert and independence day, 4 July 2008. Sound over the top? This is that and a whole lot more.

The concert opens with Nuge strutting, on stage in his in home town of Detroit, front of soldiers, scantily clad girls, a huge crowd, the complete works. And his first burst of shred? The national anthem of course!

From then on, the 3 piece blister through some of Nugent's classic catalogue, with 'Motor City Madness', 'Wango Tango' and 'Baby Please Don't Go' all getting a work out. And don't forget 'Cat Scratch Fever' too. Plenty of solid US Rock'n'roll with that animal hunting shred feel.

One problem with Nuge, or appeal, depending on your angle, is that he never shuts up. Ever. When he's not singing or talking to the crowd, his mouth is constantly spouting crap. Lots of 'Fuck Yeah', 'I've with my blood brothers', 'You like that don't you', and other inane and occasionally xenophobic patriotic bollocks. The nickname of Motormouth nickname comes not just from being opinionated, but his verbal dysentery.

Songs and guests come and go, it's a high energy party. Over 20 songs and over 2 hours, so it's good value, a good insight to Nugent, but way too over the top for the average rocker.


Review by Joe Geesin

***** Out of this world | **** Pretty damn fine |
*** OK, approach with caution unless you are a fan |
** Instant bargain bin fodder | * Ugly. Just ugly

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