Kurt was one of the original webmasters on the Internet covering
AOR/melodic rock and he has bulit up a reputation for seeking out new
bands and sounds. He now runs a daily ezine SFK, which is well worth
a read just for the reviews alone!
How did you become involved in the music business?
When I first started out, this was in the VERY early days of the
Internet, there was no pages on AOR. So SFK was one of THE first. It
was a way for me to find out info on my favorite bands and new music,
and to share it with others.
Who have you enjoyed interviewing most and who was a complete
nightmare(and why)?
I never was much into the interviewing scene, but Kevin Cronin from
REO Speedwagon was a really nice guy. Joe Elliot was also super nice.
What has been the highlight of your career in journalism and rock
The highlights? Probably one every week discovering a new artist I
never heard before and sharing it. The lowlight has to be an
unfortunate incident with Escape Music, that is now just water under the bridge.
Anyone you would love to meet/interview but you haven't as yet?
Is it too cliche to say John Lennon?
How do you view the current melodic rock scene? Is it healthier
than ten years ago when grunge was at its peak? Or has it become very
small scale and cliquey?
It's dead in the purest of an AOR sense. There's only so much cloning
of Journey I can handle. But if you start to open the parameters a
little and include new acts like Taxiride, Sugarbomb or Butch Walker,
things are definitely looking up. I can't remember a year where there
was so much good music.
Who are your musical heroes and why?
Anyone that truly enjoys what they are doing musically without
worrying about everyone else is ok by me.
What do you think of the current live scene? Do you like the band
package tours or should they be plugging new material, as opposed to
past glories?
With ticket prices being what they are, I can barely afford to go to
shows. But I think the packages are a great idea. It gives people the
music they want to hear, and the bands get exposure to each others
crowds. I only wish they would tow along some new bands (like Bon
Jovi, who took out Eve6, SR-71 and Sugar Ray on their last tour).
Which band(s) would you love to see reform? And any that should
call it a day?
I would love to hear Jellyfish get back together. As for calling it a
day, Kiss. They are no longer a band, they are a business model.
Any bright hopes for the future (bands/labels/venues)? Any
releases that you are looking forward to in 2003?
2003, in the melodic circles, is already looking bright. I've heard
new and still unreleased albums from Nine Days, 40Ft Ringo, Mikael
Erlandson and Kyle Vincent, which are all fantastic. And if early
tracks are anything to go by, the new albums from Diving For Pearls
and Glen Burtnick should be killers.
Interview © 2002
Jason Ritchie